Pesaus a contus / كلنا حكايات is part of “On the move! Un teatro in viaggio per il Libano” cooperation project between Cherimus (Sardinia) and Hammana Artist House (Lebanon) financed by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

The project involved eight performing artists based in Lebanon:

Maya Aghniadis, composer e arranger
Sarah Almoneem, performance artist
Patricia Habchy, director
Monà Hallab, soprano
Nivine Kallas, performance artist and director
Tracy Khoueiry, performance artist
Chantal Mailhac, storyteller and musician
Sarah Mashmoushy, performance artist

and two artists based in Sardinia:

Carlo Spiga, visual artist e musician
Sara Deidda, photographer and filmmaker

During an artistic residency at the Hammana Artist House, the artists developed and staged two new performances: “Tarantism”, created and directed by Nivine Kallas and “The longest night of my life”, created and directed by Chantal Mailhac..
Over two intense weeks, artists shared the same spaces, lived in the cozy and welcoming environment of Hammana and activated moments of artistic discussion with the artists of Hammana Artist House, which helped the artists in residence to stage two new performances for the first time.

At the end of the two weeks, the performances had their debut in Hammana with an audience of youg students from the town’s schools. Subsequently the theatre tour continued in Rmeileh, at the “Centre socio éducatif Fratelli” and in Beirut at the Islamic orphanage.

Carlo Spiga collaborated with Nivine Kallas, Sarah Mashmoushy, Sarah Almoneem, and Tracy Khoueiry to create an original score for the performance “Tarantism” using Sardinian traditional and experimental instruments.
Sara Deidda has created a documentary to narrate the project by working closely with the artists, exchanging ideas and engaging with the participants as well as the Hammana staff.

Il documentario “Pesaus a contus / كلنا حكايات was presented for the first time in the Spazio Antas of San Sperate on 27 September 2022.

All the images used on the website are made by Sara Deidda.

“On the move! Un teatro in viaggio per il Libano” also supported the sustainability of the social and artistic initiatives of Hammana Artist House for marginalized communities within Lebanon, in the form of a donation of a powerful rechargeable battery system that will help to run some of the activities that are at ‘present severely hampered by the serious economic and energetic crisis that the country is going through.

Sara Deidda and Nivine Kallas
Chantal Mailhac, Patricia Habchy, Monà Hallab
Eric Deniaud and Aurelien Zouky talking to the artists in the rehersal dance studio of Hammana Artist House
Eric Deniaud talking with Monà Hallab, Chantal Mailhac and Patricia Habchy
Sarah Mashmoushy, Tracy Khoueiry
Carlo Spiga, Nivine Kallas
Eric Deniaud during a moment of discussion with Sarah Almoneem, Sarah Mashmoushy and Tracy Khoueiry
Thérèse Khoury
Chantal Mailhac, Patricia Habchy, Monà Hallab
Aurelien Zouky, Chantal Mailhac and Monà Hallab at the Islamic Horphanage of Beirut
Nivine Kallas, Sarah Almoneem, Sarah Mashmoushy and Tracy Khoueiry
Chantal Mailhac and Monà Hallab
Patricia Habchy
Monà Hallab
Chantal Mailhac, Patricia Habchy, Monà Hallab
Patricia Habchy